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Recent Prosecutions January 2024

Help and Safety at Work Ltd

Recent Prosecutions. When was the last time someone died in an office from fire…? In shared living, it is all too often. Below are recent prosecutions highlighting the severity of fire protection, courtesy of the FPA. Hartlepool Flat Fined for serious safety failings The Hartlepool flat fire incident resulted in the evacuation of 17 individuals. […]

Life Saving New Year Resolutions

House on fire

Have you got your new year resolutions yet? As we begin the New Year, it is a perfect time to reflect on our habits and make resolutions that will not fall apart by the end of January. The following resolutions you will want to stick to as they may one day save your life. Resolution […]

Do I need emergency lighting?

Twin Spotters Emergency Lighting

What is emergency lighting? Emergency lighting is a system of lights that are specifically installed in buildings to provide illumination in case of power outages or emergencies. It ensures the safety of occupants by allowing them to navigate to safety equipment and evacuation routes. Emergency lighting is required if the public has access to the […]

Who is the “Responsible Person” for Fire Safety?

Responsible Persons - Dwellings

The Responsible Person is a crucial figure in ensuring fire safety within a premises. They take on various responsibilities and duties to prevent fires from happening and to minimise injury or death in case a fire does occur. Who is a Responsible Person? The person responsible for making sure that: relevant fire safety duties are carried […]

The Dangers of Lithium Batteries

Lithium Battery

Lithium batteries have revolutionised the way we power our portable electronic devices, electric vehicles e-bikes, and e-scooters, but along with their convenience comes a hidden danger. In recent years, the risks associated with lithium batteries have become a serious concern due to their potential to cause fires. Understanding what lithium batteries are, their uses, and […]

New fire safety regulation 2023

Fire risk assessment clipboard

Fire safety regulations play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of occupants and properties. With the aim of improving fire safety measures across the board, in 2023 two significant changes to fire safety regulations were introduced which collectively bring about a more comprehensive and robust fire safety framework for all. The Building Safety Act […]

Staying Safe on Bonfire Night: Essential Tips and Advice

Bonfire Night is a thrilling and spectacular event, but it is crucial to prioritise safety when it comes to bonfires and fireworks. Bonfire safety A bonfire can be a centrepiece of the celebration, providing warmth and ambience. However, it is vital to prioritise fire safety when enjoying Bonfire Night. 1. Mind Your Surroundings: Select a […]

Fire Risk Assessment – Your Responsibilities

What Is A Fire Risk Assessment? A fire risk assessment is an evaluation of a building or premises to identify and assess potential fire hazards and the level of risk they present. It is a crucial process aimed at ensuring the safety of people and property by preventing or reducing the likelihood of fire incidents. […]

Top tips for Takeaways and Restaurants

Fire Risk Assessment top tips for restaurants and kitchens

If you are responsible for the Fire Risk Assessment in your food business like restaurants, cafes or takeaway, there are specific areas of fire safety you need to pay attention to, in this blog we will focus on the top tips for restaurants and kitchens. What Causes Fires In Restaurants And Takeaways? Kitchen appliances 25% […]

What do fire doors do?

What are fire doors? Fire doors are an important component of building safety. They are designed to resist the spread of fire and smoke, providing occupants with crucial time to escape in the event of a fire. So, how long do fire doors last? To ensure that fire doors remain effective throughout their lifespan, proper […]